Java no suitable driver found
Java no suitable driver found

java no suitable driver found
  1. #Java no suitable driver found how to
  2. #Java no suitable driver found install
  3. #Java no suitable driver found drivers

#Java no suitable driver found drivers

See the PgJDBC documentation for more detail. I'm building this library, but it generates an error, tells me that the drivers are missing and therefore the connection does not open because of null. Class-Path: lib/yourlib.jar lib/mysqldb-driver.jar. The path of the file must relative to the directory where you are running the program from. No suitable driver' usually means that the JDBC URL youve supplied to connect has incorrect syntax or when the driver isnt loaded at all. When you create make sure Class-Path has an entry for the path of mysql database driver jar file. No suitable driver found when testing a PostgreSQL database collector in RSA Identity Governance & Lifecycle. Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass("") So you must have created the manifest file for the jar. Note we do not recommend restoring from a database dump, the XML backup is. Restore your Confluence site XML backup at this step. Connect your new Confluence instance to the new database.

#Java no suitable driver found install

Create a clean install of the latest Confluence version. There can be multiple reasons for this exception and let’s see it one by one.

#Java no suitable driver found how to

That's usually done with a manual classloader call, like: Make sure your Postgres server is on version 9.4, 9.5, or 9.6. Fixed no suitable driver found for jdbc In this post, we will see how to resolve : No suitable driver found for JDBC. In a Java SE environment you need to force the classloader to find and register a JDBC driver class before the JDBC DriverManager can find it and use it to handle JDBC connection URLs. See the documentation on the jar file format.Īs for why your program doesn't run even when the driver is on the classpath: you don't seem to be loading it. You need to load the driver during applications startup before connecting the DB. Since the connection URL looks fine, I bet that the driver isnt loaded at all. Either the JDBC driver isnt loaded at all before connecting the DB, or the connection URL is wrong. jar for production use, you typically bundle the JDBC driver within the app jar. The JDBC DriverManager cant find any suitable Driver for the given connection URL. Just add the JDBC driver to the classpath using the standard "java -classpath" argument, CLASSPATH env var, or Classpath: jar manifest entry. Argh, don't do that! You're messing with *every* java program on the system, some of which could have their own bundled copies of different versions of the PostgreSQL JDBC drivers.

Java no suitable driver found